Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The problem of the 23 year old

I'm coming to the end of my academic career (finally).

For those of you who know me (so none of you..) you will know that I have a problem of being an eternal student. Following a mediocre bachelor's degree in Geography at Aberystwyth University, I undertook a master's degree at Swansea University.

Incidentally, Swansea University was a fantastic institution and if I could be a student forever, it would be there.

Following this, I ventured in to the world of work. I managed to get employment at a consultancy firm. However, due to some significant false advertisement in the job description, I spent the next five months being about as much use as a General Studies A-Level. When it finally got to the month of my birthday I realised I had to make a decision otherwise I'd get in to a rut. So I left. I booked a long holiday in Australia and in June I left for the other side of the world.

Best. Decision. I've. Ever. Made.

I went on my own, and honestly even though I was terrified (self confessed Mammy's boy), I made lifelong friends, made unforgettable memories and grew my confidence.

Following this I decided to go back to university (again). But, this time I was to study something I actually enjoy and have an interest in. So I went to Cardiff University to do a master's in European politics. Its not been entirely what I expected and not enjoyable every second, but it was the right decision. Now I'm nearing the end of Part 1 of the degree, I'm at a cross roads as to whether to continue on to Part 2 and write a dissertation, or leave and seek employment at the end of May. Part of me is tired of being constantly poor and not being able to go see my friends who live far away and socialise with everyone. But, it's hard to know what the best choice is. Perhaps there isn't a "best choice", for if I hadn't gone to work in that god awful job in between my master's degrees, I would never have gone to Australia and had that fantastic experience.

Silver linings and all that..

I suppose then that this blog post represents a pivot in my life. If I go one way, I'll be consumed by my dissertation/hating life/loving politics or the other way of being employed/a self employed food critic that no one listens to.

I keep getting told by my family that I'm still young, I shouldn't be too worried or rush in to things, that my 20's are to be enjoyed. But I don't know if this is just me, or it's true for everyone my age, but I'm incredibly impatient. It is an impatience to make something of myself stemming from a chronic worry that I'll be a failure if I don't focus on a career in my early 20s.

This blog post doesn't really seem to have a direction. It's more like a monologue in my head. I guess I just needed to get these misgivings out of my head. I promise, the next post will be better (I hope). No, it will be better, the #Election2015 is in two days! I'll be sure to write something summing up the election campaign.

Until then, thanks for reading.
